Fun at the Casino

My husband and I were at the casino. He plays Texas Hold'em at tables in a separate room. He will play for hours. My game is Roulette. There was a table just opening and I stood mid table. Hate playing from one end or the other because I play most of the table. Seconds later, here comes two guys. One on either side of me. Then others joined the table.

The guys on either side of me are very cordial, in their forties and well spoken. Of course, they notice my chest but try not to be obvious with their stares. During our conversation I was told they were locals, had spent the day playing golf and hoped their deodorant was still working. The game proceeds and the talk continues.

If you've played Roulette, you know there is a lot of reaching involved. After a half hour or so we have become accustomed to the reaching and slight bumping. This particular time the guy to my left reaches past me to place his bet. At the same time, I had started to lean forward to place my bet and my chest slightly brushed against his arm. No big deal. He said, excuse me. Told him, it's ok. A few bets later it happened again. Being funny I said, I think that time was on purpose, added, just k**ding. He laughed and apologized.

We are all doing pretty well, so the mood at the table was good. Rather than reach in front of me again, he asked if I'd place the bet for him. I told him, it's alright, go for it. I don't know why I do these things but........ Expecting me to wait till he was done reaching, I leaned my chest into his arm. He just looked at me. I played it off like nothing happened. Then he saw the smile on my face. He chuckled, nodding his head, says, ok. It seemed after that, ever opportunity he had he would brush against my chest. With a chest as large as mine it wasn't hard to do. I didn't discourage it either.

So now we are having fun with it. To this point the only time his arm would touch my chest, is when he would reach in front of me. I would lean forward to place my bets in front of him. I thought I would change that up. Why should he be the only one having fun? This time I turned in his direction and leaned my chest heavy into him to place my bet. He liked that. While still in front of him he half whispers in my ear, GAME ON.

Wasn't long and he's standing up against me. I feel his leg pushing against mine. I'm loving it and push back. Then he made a bold move, and I felt his hand on my leg. Not wanting him to think it upset or even surprised me, I just smiled at him. So now our "reaching" game has included the occasional leg rub. This was getting exciting.

All this time the three of us, still talking and placing our bets. His friend, to my right, has no idea this bumping and touching is going on. The other people at the table seem to have no interest in anything other than their bets. The occasional brush of my chest has now become a solid rub. The passion of his play has increased. And I'm not one to shy away from some good fun and continued to turn into him. My tit pressed against his arm.

Then he asked if I was here by myself. I could see the disappointment on his face when I told him I was here with my husband. He wanted to know where my husband was. Told him, he's in the poker room. Emphasizing, and assuring him, don't worry, he will be in there for hours. He seemed happy about what I said, and probably the way I said it.

The touching and bumping continued. The perv I am, of course I try to see if there is a bulge in his pants. Can't see much because most of the time he's leaning into the table.
What I do notice is he stands a few inches from the table then leans against it when he's placing his bets. Again, not shy, I see my opportunity and place my hand on the edge of the table just before he leans forward. It wasn't quite the right height to feel his cock. But when I stretched my fingers, he knew that is what I was trying to do.

After that, it started to get more intimate. Our touching was more obvious. Which his friend picked up on. The other people were oblivious. But his friend, who has now watched some of the action, looks at me. I smiled and winked. He leaned forward, looking around me at his friend, smiling, and nodded, as if to ask, what's going on? I looked at my bosom buddy too. He was all smiles.

The new friend says something to the effect of, I miss out on all the fun. To which I replied, you don't have to. I asked him, maybe you would like to play some of the lower numbers? Which he was playing all along, he was just very respectful of my space. Time to bet again. The first guy has no trouble reaching across and against my chest. The new guy, slightly shy, reaches, barely touching me. I say, that's it? The helpful person I am, I tell him, I think number 1 is going to hit. Better play it. He understands and reaches past me. I lean my chest into his arm.

Now both guys are having fun with it. Saying, I'll bet this and this, as one reaches across. The other guy saying, well I'm betting this and this as he reaches from the other direction. As usual I bet all over the table, and now am pressing my chest into both guys. And neither is shy anymore. The dealer, or whatever you call the guy spinning the wheel has noticed our bumping and smiled. He probably thought one of the guys was my husband or boyfriend.

With all the rubbing of my chest, I feel the slight pressure of my nipples as they hardened. That's also when I felt a hand slide around my waist. First thing I thought, MY HUSBAND! No, it was the first guy. He pulled me to him, whispered in my ear, how about I get us a room? Funny thing is, that thought had crossed my mind earlier as soon as they walked up. I wanted immediately to say yes, in fact, hell yes, but hesitated.

For some reason, now that it might happen, I wasn't ready. Thoughts ran through my head....... I'm sure he wants to fuck me, but I'm not going to let him...... I know from staying in the hotel, the rooms are over $300. And probably more now, just days before Christmas...... Is he going to want to pay that much for just a blow job?..... It would be fun....... I haven't had a strange cock in my mouth for months. I tell him, "Got to be honest with you, I'm not going to fuck you.

Before I get another word out, he says dejectedly, "Oh, ok." I say, "Well... wait a second, I'm not saying nothing is going to happen, but I don't know if you want to spend that much money on a room for just a..... (I didn't say the word blow job.) I just licked my lips suggestively. He goes, "REALLY?" In a whisper he asks, "a BJ"? I smiled, shaking my head yes. He says, "Think I want to get a room". I tell him, "Let's do this then." He's all excited, tells his friend, be right back, going to get a room. His friend goes, What?!! I tell him, he's going to get a room. Again, the friend goes, What?!! I tell his friend, yeah, I told him to get us a room. Once again, What?!! Each, "what", is louder and in a higher tone.

He comes back, trying to act all calm. Gives me a key card. Tells me, it's room 333. If I could wait a few minutes before going up. He wants to take a quick shower because he's been playing golf all day. Doesn't want to be all smelly. He takes care of his chips and heads off. His friend and I keep playing. It's been ten minutes. I say, he's probably done by now. He says, probably. I exchange my chip, ready to head up. The guy says, have fun and starts placing bets. I asked what are you doing? Aren't you going to come with me? He goes, oh, I thought it was just the two of you. I said no, unless you don't want to join us. He immediately pulls his bet back. Takes care of his chips, and we start walking. I ask him, you didn't think you were invited? He said he hoped but wasn't sure.

On the way to the room, I asked if he was going to shower. He said he thought he should, it would be more enjoyable for everyone. For future reference, we'll call the first guy G, cause his first name started with G. The guy that walked up with me we'll call T.

We walk in the room. G is sitting on the bed, fully dressed except he's barefoot. T says he's going to shower. I sit on the desk chair and G and I start talking about random stuff. Figured I'd start the sexual conversation, asked him, what did you think the first time I leaned into you? He said he couldn't believe it. Tells me, if I'm being honest, I wanted to take you right there. Laughing, I said, it was kind of fun messing around like that.

Then he says, I don't understand, you want me to get a room, but you don't want to screw. I told him a little about my history, my oral addiction, that now that I'm married, I don't fuck strangers, but anything from the waist up is ok. He repeated, from the waist up? Not sure he understood but he told me he did.

He asks, how should we proceed? Told him, you could always start by giving me a kiss. We both stand, he put his arms around me, and we kiss. My hands around his back on his shoulders. We kiss again and one more time a little longer. Then he looks at me and says, from the waist up? I just go, um hm. We kiss again and his hands are on my tits. A long kiss all the time grabbing my tits. I stop him, tell him, I'm sure you won't mind if I take my blouse off. It might be hard to explain to my husband how it got so wrinkled. He thought that funny.

I took it off, asked if he would like me to take my bra off as well. Excited, he says, Oh yes please. Asked him to help and off it came. He looked me over, said, you are amazing. Put his hands under my tits, lifting them, sucking one then the other. Sucking and licking my nipples. Wiping his face all around on them. He was having a great time.

I started lifting the bottom of his shirt. He stopped sucking my tits just long enough to pull it over his head and arms. Sucking me again, I reach down, undo his belt, open the button and pull down his zipper. He's trying to help me lower his pants while still sucking on my tits. Steps out of them and his boxers. He's naked. I reach down a grab a hold of his cock. He's already rock hard. I put a hand under his balls, fondling them and start stroking him.

I hear the click of the bathroom door. Out steps T with nothing on but a towel. Sees what's going on, walks up against my back. Yikes, don't think he was completely dry. The chill made me jump. G backed off for a second, thought it might have been from my nipples getting so hard they poked him. T reaches around, hands under my tits, lifting and massaging then. G went back to sucking. I reach a hand back, pull the towel away and grab T's cock. This is awesome. It's been way too long since I've had a cock in each hand.

They turned me sideways so they both had access to my tits. It was so nice to have two mouths on me as well. Stroking them both, wondering how long they would want to suck my tits before they let me do what I came here to do. Figured I better take control, or we would be here all night and my husband might have played long enough and start looking for me. I stopped stroking them. Put a hand on the back of their heads and pulled them hard into my tits. Letting them get that last big mouthful. Moved my hands to their shoulders and slowly pushed them away. G tells me my tits are amazing, T agreed.

Standing in front of them, finally have them off my tits where I can look into their eyes. I give them a big smile, biting my tongue that is barley sticking out of my mouth. Think you can picture it. I grab their cocks and slowly go to my knees. Looking into their eyes, now into T's eyes as I slowly bring his cock to my mouth. Give the head of his cock a few licks and a kiss. Then look into G's eyes, move to his cock, lick the around the head, up and down the shaft a few times, then a kiss. Back to T's cock, licking the head and up and down his shaft. I run my lips up and down the outside of his cock. Back to G, a few licks then my lips on the outside of his cock.

I haven't taken either into my mouth yet. I look up and ask in a sexy voice, how you guys doing? G just goes, OMG! T says, fuck you're hot. It's time to go to work. I take each guy, one at a time slowly in my mouth. Nothing crazy. Maybe ten seconds of nice up and down sucking. Not deep, nor fast, just lovingly, nice and slow. Back and forth, guy to guy. Stroking the guy I wasn't sucking. Slightly pulling on the balls of the guy I had in my mouth.

T had the bigger cock. I'd say maybe seven inches. G's wasn't much shorter, but definitely not as fat. It's time to show my skills. Now taking each of them fully down my throat. An easy task considering their size. But they seemed impressed. I got a grown and a, oh fuck! Working them well. Popping my lips over the head a few times before taking it down my throat again. Pulling them closer together, I was able to get both cocks in my mouth at the same time. It was just the heads and an inch or two of their shafts, but I loved it.

Don't think T was much into touching cocks, he backed away after about thirty seconds. Fine with me, it's hard doing a good job sucking cock when you can only get a few inches in your mouth. Taking turns with them again. I had G in my mouth and T starts grabbing my tit.

It's T's turn and I'm trying to get his cock in my mouth, but he's lifting me, wants me to stand. Not sure what he wants. He's backing me up to the bed. I fall back sitting on the bed. He starts pushing me back, a hand reaching for my pants. Ohhhh, that's right, he wasn't part of the earlier conversation. He wants to fuck me. I tell him, I'm not fucking you guys. There's a puzzled look on his face. G speaks up, says, she's keeping her pants on, but she said we can do anything we want from the waist up. Told him, yeah sorry, not going to fuck you.

He paused, says, well I want to fuck those tits then. I help him climb on top of me as I lay back. He's got a hold of my tits, pressing them against his cock, rocking back and forth. G has come to the other side of the bed. I'm looking over my head, arms stretched, holding his balls, and stroking him. G's having a little trouble staying on the bed. He keeps sliding toward the edge. It's because I just laid back from my sitting position. I said, wait a second guys, let me get further on the bed. T stopped, put his hands down to lift himself and I worked my way further on the bed.

Looking at G.... I decided to work further. T says, where you going? I didn't say anything. Just kept scooting. Then he realized and laughed. I had worked my way across the bed so my head was hanging over the edge. G stepped up and proceeded to stick his cock deep into my mouth. T went back to fucking my tits.

My hands around on G's ass. Pulling him into me. Realizing I can take all he's got, he has a full, strong thrust into my mouth and throat. His balls slapping my nose. It's a bit uncomfortable because T has a little more weight on my stomach than I would like. But nothing I can't handle. Then G, the nice guy he is asks, do you want me to cum in your mouth? Not being able to reply verbally, I grunted longingly, UMM HUMM! The speed of his thrusts increased. He was close. A few seconds later he's moaning. His thrusts now more like a vibration, his stomach tight against my chin, just pushes now, forcing his cock further down my throat. Then the twitches as each spasm hits. I know he cumming but can't even taste it. As he slows and relaxes, his cock now in my mouth, I finally get that sweet taste I've been waiting for. He steps back pulling his cock from my mouth, loudly, in a most satisfying tone, he goes, FUCK THAT WAS GOOD!! Thinking to myself, it sure was.

So engrossed with the cock in my mouth, I almost forgot about T fucking my tits. Well....not really. He was having a hell of a time. Done with G, I told T, let's get on the bed better. He went with me as I slid my head on the pillow. He once again proceeded fucking my tits. Pulling a second pillow under my head, raising it enough to lick the tip of his cock each time it poked up from between my tits. We are looking into each other’s eyes. He goes, you like this don't you? I give him a sexy, umm humm. A little dirtier he says, you like me fucking your tits? I can dirty talk with the best of them. I tell him, come on, fuck my tits with that big cock of yours. He's thrusting through my tits going, AAH, AAH, AAH, with each thrust. Says, how's that bitch?

The expression on his face changed. He's worried, asks, that too much? I let him stew a second, then said, I prefer fucking bitch. He smiles, says, ok fucking bitch, and continues, AAH, AAH, AAH, thrusting between my tits. G's watching, just goes, DAMN! T, still, AAH, AAH, going at it. Pushing higher so his cock reaches further. The head of his dick parting my lips. He's telling me, get it bitch, get it. I'm giving little wanton grunts, mm, mm, mm, as the head hits my lips. (You know me, I want all of it in my mouth.) I look at him, grit my teeth, tell him as nasty as I can, FUCK MY MOUTH, COME ON, STICK YOUR COCK DOWN MY THROAT! He climbs over my tits and drives his cock into my mouth. He must have watched how G used my mouth and knew I could take a cock because he wasn't gentle.

My head being bent up by the pillows made it harder to take him down my throat. I pushed him back, asked if he wanted me on top. He said no, he liked the idea of fucking my mouth. We moved down a bit. He leaned forward and is back in my mouth. Holding the back of my head, thrusting into my throat.

Must not have been the feel he was going for. He says, over here, and pulls me to the side of the bed like I was when we started. My head upside down over the edge. He stepped up, slid his dick into my mouth, hands on the back of my head and started fucking. Pulling me hard into his cock. He's telling me, take it bitch. Take it you fucking bitch. His thrusting, and the pulling of my head into him was forcing his cock deep into my throat. Again, with the AAH, AAH, AAH, with each thrust. Then I feel G m*****ing my tits again.

Then T starts up. Oh ya baby, oh ya, oh ya. The thrusts faster. Oh ya, oh ya. Here it comes bitch, here it comes. Then the big push. Another big push. Son of bitch, he's shooting down my throat and again I'm not tasting anything. I push him away slightly. His cock in my mouth, sucking, trying to get all I can. I finally taste my reward.

T is standing there, relaxed, with his cock in my mouth, when I feel a hand between my legs. I jumped, G says, don't worry, I'm not trying to take your pants off. I reached down, saying, no, no, no, while taking his hand away. I knew I had to take his hand away. Because by then I was ready to fuck both of them.

Not sure how much time we had spent in the room, I knew it was time to go and told them so. They were both soooo appreciative. Told them I enjoyed them as well. We got dressed. I straightened my hair and left them there. Went back to gamble like nothing happened. But on the inside, I was all smiles.
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Very nice. Made me wish i was one of them.
super hot