Sex school

Sex school A month had passed since holidays, and everyone was back hard at work, business was booming, the latest instalment of their videos going viral on porn sites with worldwide sales rocketing. Well said Kay, Anna is here tomorrow, the lads are coming over tonight to run through the outlines, think we should film Andy with Anna first, her outfit arrived yesterday, have to say it looks good, wouldn’t mind a go at her myself. Me too said Sam. Is Patsy doing filming? The guys arrived around seven and they got down to planning. Ok said Sam, the morning session, Anna has come up with a nice… Citește mai mult

Postat de Billycant 3 ani în urmă


Anna The two girls lay in bed still cuddling each other, Sam saying I feel really turned on at the thought of Anna. So am I said Kay, see, showing Sam her swollen wet labia. Sam kissed her, god I love you, you are a sex machine, I think you are insatiable. Only you can replied Kay, running her hands over Sams breasts, I love you too and lust after you all the time, do you think I have overactive sex drive or something, maybe I need to see a doctor to calm me down. No, no, don’t ever do that, I love how horny you are. Kay said I love how uninhibited you are Sam, the way you walked down the beac… Citește mai mult

Postat de Billycant 3 ani în urmă

On the Beach

On the beach Kay and Sam showered and sun lotioned up, Sam wearing a black revealing bikini that barely covered her tits or fanny, with a fine chiffon wrap that covered but showed off her body and Kay in stunning a stunning white bikini that showed off her sexy tanned body, completed with a loose fitting kaftan. Ready for sex said Kay, ready replied Sam. Do you think you could fuck Andy this morning, did you here last night, only woman apart from me that he’s had sex with was his wife. He’s a lovely man, think it would help him if you fucked him. As long as he doesn’t come in my mouth giggled… Citește mai mult

Postat de Billycant 3 ani în urmă

Costa del Sex

Costa del Sex Sam and Kay at long last had managed to get away on holiday, a little resort near Marbella, the hotel the usual mix of happy family groups, girls on the lookout for a quick shag, lads who were offering and just a few who interested Sam and Kay. Probably still married but maybe recently split up, on a cunt hunt, but Not the quick alleyway sex that the pool side tarts were offering. Just the same as us two commented Kay, yep replied Sam, my cunt deffo needs some cock. Off on a spunk hunt I think. Kay kissed her passionately, the two guys opposite whispering and smiling. Sam clocked… Citește mai mult

Postat de Billycant 3 ani în urmă 1

Sex Education (Samanthas Secret part 4)

Sam and Kay’s lives were on high, both love life and work. The business was so successful that they had both been invited to joint the board as design and marketing directors, plans were well ahead for their upcoming wedding, Christmas sales were amazing, and the girls were taking a well earned break. As they were having a relaxing drink after dinner, Kay said to Sam, I have been running an idea over in my mind for a few days. Tell me no if you think it’s crazy or too much. Go on said Sam, intrigued with what Kay was planning. Well, you know as well as I do that a lot of blokes couldn’t find t… Citește mai mult

Postat de Billycant 4 ani în urmă